Delays at Ports Denied by Union
Responding to a letter sent by the Justice Department asking for evidence refuting allegations of a union slowdown at West Coast ports (see WIT?s for Oct. 25, and Oct. 24, 2002), the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) took issue with the fact that they had not seen the allegations, and that the dispute was not being addressed through contractual channels. The Justice Department?s reply demanding that the union submit documentation proving its innocence in less than a week, drew harsh criticism and continued rejection of management accusations from the ILWU, in a letter the union filed by yesterday?s noon deadline. Citing such language as: "We take seriously any allegations that those ports are not operating at an appropriate level of productivity," and "The United States will not tolerate interference with the court's injunction," the ILWU accused the Justice Department of inappropriate pro-management bias.
See "Delays at Ports Denied by Union", NANCY CLEELAND, Los Angeles Times, October 29, 2002