Baby boomer retirements may slow Mass. economic growth
Baby boomer retirements, slowed by the 2007-2009 recession, are starting to impact companies nationwide, with the greatest impacts expected to be felt in 2018 and beyond. Massachusetts, which has the 14th oldest workforce in the nation, is expected to see its job growth decline by more than half in three years as retirees leave the workforce. The ensuing skills shortage will find companies competing for employees, but the younger applicant pool will not have the years of experience and qualifications held by departing employees. Some companies are looking into retaining part-time positions for their retirees to delay the loss of experience, as it will take years for new employees to acquire advanced skills in their jobs.
See "Baby boomer retirements may slow Mass. economic growth", Deirdre Fernandes, The Boston Globe, February 17, 2016