Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City hit by strike
Local 54 of Unite-HERE has followed through on its strike threat at the Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City during one of the busiest and most lucrative times of the year: 4th of July weekend. Local 54 has undertaken bargaining with 5 different Atlantic City casinos and has managed to reach an agreement with every casino except for the Carl Icahn-owned Taj Mahal, which has instated massive cuts to employee health insurance coverage and pensions, enraging its workforce. Over 1,000 employees have walked out and picketed the Taj Mahal in protest of management’s refusal to grant them appropriate wages and benefits. Local 54’s timing of the strike seems promising as the last time they decided to strike, an impressive walkout lasting 34 days and causing a loss of about $60 million took place, meaning that this strike could last an impressive amount of time and cause even more profit loss due to the busy holiday season.
See "Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City hit by strike", Associated Press, CBS News, July 1, 2016