Labor Abuses Found at Indonesian Palm Plantations Supplying Global Companies: Amnesty
According to a report published by Amnesty International, companies such as Unilever, Nestle, Kellogg, and Procter & Gamble all sourced palm oil that was cultivated using both forced and child labor in Indonesia. Amnesty focused its investigation on Wilmar, the international company that runs the plantations because it supplies some of the world’s largest multinational companies. Palm oil is used in a variety of products, including snacks, soaps, cosmetics and biofuels. Unilever, Nestle and Procter and gamble have released statements announcing their plans investigate and work with supplies to remedy the situation, but Kellogg was the only one to pledge to remove suppliers who do not correct the labor violations.
See "Labor Abuses Found at Indonesian Palm Plantations Supplying Global Companies: Amnesty", Eveline Danubrata and Bernadette Christina Munthe, Chicago Tribune, November 30, 2016