Northern, Southern rail and Merseyrail staff to strike
The RMT union for British rail workers has scheduled a 24 hour strike on March 13. Eighty-one percent of the union voted in favor of a strike following the announcement that Merseyrail trains will be driver-only-operated (DOO) starting in 2020. Removing guards from trains, the union argues, could be dangerous. The Office of Road and Rail has responded that DOO trains would be safe provided sufficient training and equipment is provided. Merseyrail has assured workers that no guards would be fired following the introduction of DOO trains. The driver's union Aslef and Southern rail will continue meeting to discuss this dispute later this week. Merseyrail has also expressed a desire to continue a dialogue with the union.
See "Northern, Southern rail and Merseyrail staff to strike", BBC, February 28, 2017