Oil Strike in Norway Shuts Shell Field as Escalation Looms
Workers at Shell’s Knarr oil field operation off the coast of Norway went on strike Tuesday, forcing the company to close it's 23,000 barrel per-day operation. It’s the first time since 2012 that Norwegian oil workers have staged a walk-out. Back then, the government stepped in to end the strike after sixteen days, citing strategic national interests. Oil and natural gas are the country’s largest source of income, second only to Russia in Europe's oil production. Some 669 drilling workers stead a walk-out amid a negotiation impasse. The union is prepared to take further action, and has warned that another 901 workers at four different oil fields are to strike this Sunday if an agreement cannot be reached. Employers say they want a deal but have limited leeway. So far, however, no additional talks have been scheduled.
See "Oil Strike in Norway Shuts Shell Field as Escalation Looms", Mikael Holter, Bloomberg Business, July 11, 2018