Rival Drivers? Groups Disagree on Likelihood of Taxi Strike
In competing Manhattan press conferences yesterday afternoon, rival advocacy groups said that (1) there could be a citywide taxi strike in September, and (2) there would not be a strike. ?We are ready to have a 48-hour strike on Sept. 5 and Sept. 6,? said Bhairavi Desai, the executive director of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, as she stood near a line of taxis outside Pennsylvania Station. ?We are ready, willing and able to walk out.? The Taxi Workers Alliance said in a press release that it wants to work out a resolution with the Taxi and Limousine Commission to avert a strike. Two hours later, a spokesman for the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers said no walkout was ahead.
See "Rival Drivers? Groups Disagree on Likelihood of Taxi Strike", Colin Moynihan, The New York Times, August 23, 2007