Business Watercooler Stories
Labor Day is the one holiday set aside solely to honor the working American stiff. But is that long weekend more like an escape from 9-to-5 than a simple day of rest? As it turns out, life isn't so bad for Joe and Jane Lunchpail. Three in five Americans say they are 'very happy' with their work, according to a nonscientific survey conducted by hourly job Web site Those most likely to whistle while they work were employees living in the West, Hispanics, and married people. Western workers benefit from better cultural attitudes toward work-life balance, founder and CEO Shawn Boyer theorized about the findings. Also, 'It seems that Hispanics tend to refer friends and family into the workplace,' leading to greater job satisfaction, he said.
See "Business Watercooler Stories", Associated Press, The New York Times, August 27, 2007