Hard choices facing showrunners
After a day of show-runner power and solidarity, "Scrubs" creator and show runner Bill Lawrence, who said he has not worked since the strike began, learned a hard personal lesson about the line between him and his staff. Lawrence was picketing Thursday morning at Disney with his writing staff when he got a call from a line producer that pickets were disrupting the shooting of an exterior scene of his show at North Hollywood Hospital, where the NBC comedy is filmed. The producer also told him that one of the "Scrubs" electricians had gotten into an altercation with a picketing writer and that "the crew was feeling very angry toward me because they're not really supportive of the strike and they are living hand to mouth and they don't want the show to be shut down," Lawrence said.
See "Hard choices facing showrunners", Maria Elena Fernandez, Los Angeles Times, November 8, 2007