For Both Sides in Broadway Strike, the Message Was: Take Me Seriously
After a two-and-a-half week strike that sapped the city of nearly $40 million, wiped away millions of dollars of potential ticket sales and left hundreds of actors, musicians and stagehands without paychecks, the payoff finally arrived. And anyone not intimately familiar with the business of Broadway could be forgiven for asking: Is that it? The tentative five-year agreement focuses on a handful of work rules on the minimum number of stagehands needed and how long they can work. But details aside, both sides came away having made their points, and loudly. The producers insisted: Change must come to this business. To which the union responded: It won?t come cheap or easy.
See "For Both Sides in Broadway Strike, the Message Was: Take Me Seriously", Campbell Robertson, The New York Times, November 29, 2007