SR Technics workers protest at Dublin airport
In response to a February announcement by Irish aviation firm SR Technics that said a plant near the Dublin airport would be shut down, costing 1,000 jobs, hundreds of workers protested at the airport today for the second time in recent weeks. The protesters blocked entries and exits, causing delays on nearby roads and promoting the Dublin Airport Authority to encourage passengers to leave earlier than usual for scheduled flights. Yesterday, a Labor Court asked SR Technics to cover shortfalls in its pension funds as well as offer higher severance pay to laid-off workers. The firm claimed that it lacks the funding to fulfill either recommendation. Unions, while pleased with the court's recommendation, were displeased with SR Technics' refusal to comply and are determining their next course of action.
See "SR Technics workers protest at Dublin airport", Martin Wall, Eanna O Caollai, and Charlie Taylor, Irish Times, March 31, 2009