Union once again looking to organize Wal-Mart workers
Despite the fact that Wal-Mart is the largest company in the world, the United Food and Commercial Workers union essentially gave up organizing attempts there about five years ago. The union found that labor laws were too weak, and Wal-Mart resistance too strong. With a new administration and potential union friendly legislation like the Employee Free Choice Act, the UFCW is back in the game. The union has begun Wal-Mart organizing campaigns in 17 states (and more than 100 stores). As the economy worsens, the EFCA has taken a backseat, but the UFCW is continuing its campaign as a demonstration of where current labor law fails. Wal-Mart is continuing to resist.
See "Union once again looking to organize Wal-Mart workers", Paul Demko, The Minnesota Independent, April 30, 2009