Midwest union ratifies AT&T labor contract
18,500 wireline employees across the Midwest ratified a new labor contract with telecommunications company AT&T. The employees are represented by the Communications Workers of America, District 4, which includes the Ohio subsidiary, one of the largest employers in central Ohio. The contract expired on April 5, and a tentative agreement was reached July 15. The contract ratified today includes pay and pension increases adjusted for cost-of-living, and health care benefits with preventative care and reimbursement accounts. The wage agreements will be back-dated to April 5, but the benefits changes will not take effect until January 2010. 120,000 other employees of AT&T remain in negotiations but the Midwest workers, at least, profess to be pleased with their bargaining committee.
See "Midwest union ratifies AT&T labor contract", Bizjounals.com, August 9, 2009