Hearing to address Oakland University strike
A hearing has been scheduled for 10am tomorrow morning on the issue of the on-going faculty strike at Oakland University. Classes have been canceled for four days now, starting with what was supposed to be the first day of school, and the university has filed a complaint in court, claiming that the actions of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is illegal. The union in turn has said that the university has not bargained in good faith. Negotiations began four months ago and when a settlement still hadn't been reached as classes began, a mediator was brought in. Although it has been said that some progress has been made negotiations halted at 4:30am this morning, after a proposal involving faculty 'governance' was made by the university. The contract proposal does include pay raises but they are somewhat lower than the %11 the faculty hoped for, and a proposed two-tiered health care system has been especially controversial.
See "Hearing to address Oakland University strike", Tammy Stables Battaglia, Zlati Meyer, & Robin Erb, Detroit Free Press, September 7, 2009