Boeing's Shift to S.C. Raises Union Ire
Boeing announced that the new production line for the 787 will be located in South Carolina, rather than with the first line in Washington. Boeing cited factors like natural disasters and terrorism as well as the International Association of Machinists (IAM) among its reasons for locating the plant in South Carolina. The IAM had offered Boeing a ten year no strike commitment in return for the line and job security, but were turned down. Critics say that locating the new line away from experienced workers could cause further complications in the already late aircraft, while others say that the past history of strikes in the Washington plant make the choice a smart one. The new line could result in around 4,000 new jobs.
See "Boeing's Shift to S.C. Raises Union Ire", Wendy Kaufman, NPR Morning Edition, October 28, 2009