Boeing, union deadlocked in secret talks over new 787 line
Boeing and the International Association of Machinists have been talking for weeks in Washington about where the companies new manufacturing line for 787s will be placed. Their two options are Everett, Washington or Charleston, South Carolina. Boeing representatives cite the frequent strikes that occur in the Puget Sound area as a deterrent for the placement of the new assembly line, as the Charleston workforce voted to get rid of their union. Questions have arisen over the feasibility of placing the new line in Charleston because an entirely new plant would have to be built, while in Everett equipment would only have to rearranged and an experienced workers could be used. Insiders say that the talks are strained due to the lack of trust on either side, leading to a deadlock only a week before the board meeting that will decide the assembly line's future.
See "Boeing, union deadlocked in secret talks over new 787 line", Dominic Gates, The Seattle Times, October 21, 2009