Tennessee mass layoffs dive in first quarter
According to information released recently by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of 'mass layoffs' dropped significantly in the first quarter of 2010, both for the hard-hit state of Tennessee and the US writ large. For the quarter ended March 30, 2010 there were 27 'layoffs events' in the state of Tennessee. Over the same period last year there were 87 events. In the US as a whole, there were 1,564 mass cuts in the last quarter, laying off 221,150 employees. For the same period in 2009, there were 3,979 events, representing a total of 705,141 jobs lost. 17 out of 18 of the major US industry sectors reported significant declines in layoffs since last year, and approximately 42% of employers said they were considering and/or able to recall some workers. Initial unemployment claims have also decreased significantly.
See "Tennessee mass layoffs dive in first quarter", Bizjounals.com, May 11, 2010