Newspapers' Teamsters reject contract--again
In a 191-4 vote, Teamsters Local 628, which represents drivers who deliver the Philadelphia Enquirer and Daily News voted against the contract offer by the prospective owners of the two papers. The Teamsters are the only one out of 16 unions that have not ratified a contract with the company. A spokesman for the teamsters said that members were unhappy with the idea of losing their pensions. A spokesman for the company trying to buy the two papers said that their offers for a defined-contribution plan or individual 401(k) plans would give Teamsters as much ore more than their current plan. If the Teamsters do not settle with the company, a bankruptcy court judge could order a new sale of the papers,which the company says it will again pursue.
See "Newspapers' Teamsters reject contract--again", Christopher K. Hepp, The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 12, 2010