Protesters in Wisconsin Say They Are Staying Put
Wisconsin union leaders called for teachers to return to work on Monday, but other workers say that they will stay put. The protests over Governor Scott walker's bill continued all weekend, and many are hoping to see some movement from Republican Senators. The Republican leadership said that any hopes for movement were unfounded, and that they would pass the bill as the governor proposed it. Democratic Senators, who left the state last week to stop the vote, say that they will not come back until there is negotiation on the terms of the bill. The State Assembly is expected to begin debate eon the bill on Tuesday, and Democrats say that they will offer many amendments and keep the debate going for as long as possible. Union leaders have made it clear that the only part of the governor's bill that they oppose is the huge reduction in collective bargaining rights. They say that they will take the cuts in health care and pension benefits willingly.
See "Protesters in Wisconsin Say They Are Staying Put", Monica Davey, The New York Times, February 20, 2011