Apple efforts fail to fix Foxconn
A new report from a Hong Kong labor rights organization found that working conditions at Foxconn have not improved to where the company says they have, and that abuses still continue. The report, based on interviews with workers and managers, said that workers have little confidence in things like the crisis hotline, which often diverts back to managers and supervisors that are the problem in the first place. Workers also say that Foxconn has not reduced overtime hours to under 60 a week, with some working almost 80 hours, just as they did before the inspection by the Fair Labor Association. The report also found that managers worked unpaid overtime, as well as did administrative and other tasks off the clock. Apple says that they are working to improve working conditions throughout their supply chain.
See "Apple efforts fail to fix Foxconn", Juliette Garside, Mail & Guardian, May 30, 2012