DC Businesses Offer Helping Hand to Federal Employees Amid Shutdown
Dozens of businesses have decided to offer something extra to the U.S. federal employees who are furloughed during the government shutdown; everything from sandwiches to cupcakes, from oil changes to knitting lessons are being discounted or given away. The freebies are great PR, but many business owners and employees are saying that they go further than that: it is a sign of solidarity and support in unpredictable times. The furloughed employees will not be able to return to work until a spending bill which refunds the government is passed by the house and senate, and signed by the president. Approximately 800,000 federal employees are jobless during the shutdown.
See "DC Businesses Offer Helping Hand to Federal Employees Amid Shutdown", Anneta Konstantinides & Nicki Rossoll, ABC News, October 1, 2013