Railroad workers' demand for paid sick leave benefits reflect broader labor issue in America
In the US, there is no national paid sick leave legislation, and this disproportionately affects low wage workers in the service, farming and construction sectors. As a result, and combined with the pandemic, the lack of paid sick days has been a large topic of discussion recently amongst US workers. These frustrations have manifested in the railroad industry, as rail unions have been fighting for paid sick leave days to be added to their labor contract. However, it is unfortunately unlikely that the paid sick leave provision will be passed by the Senate, who will likely vote to impose the original contract on the unions instead and block any strike actions. Ultimately, the railroad workers' demands for paid sick leave days reflect a need for national legislation granting that worker protection.
See "Railroad workers' demand for paid sick leave benefits reflect broader labor issue in America", Tami Luhby , CNN Business, December 1, 2022