Supreme Court to hear a case regarding worker's right to reasonable accommodations for religious freedom in the workplace
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear a case regarding a postal worker's right to reasonable accommodations for his religious practices after the US Postal Service began delivering packages on Sundays, the day of Christian Sabbath, starting in 2013. The decision in this case may potentially impact many workplaces as it would cause employers to change their accommodations for religious workers. Additionally, a ruling in favor of the plaintiff would expand the role of religion in public life and erode the separation of church and state. Some are worried that this case will subtly shift the burden of practicing one's faith onto others and cause harm to employers and fellow employees. As of recently though, the Supreme Court has been receptive to claims of religious discrimination.
See "Supreme Court to hear a case regarding worker's right to reasonable accommodations for religious freedom in the workplace ", Adam Liptak, New York Times, April 17, 2023