Chipotle reaches a settlement with Washington D.C. Attorney General Office over hundreds of alleged child labor violations
An investigation into various Chipotle locations in the Washington D.C. area found over 800 potential child labor violations committed by the company. Chipotle violated several child labor laws, and the Washington D.C. Attorney General claims that the company had minors work more than 8 hours per day and more than 48 hours a week. Other claims against Chipotle state that the company had child workers work more than 6 days consecutively, and also work past 10 p.m. Chipotle has reached a settlement with the Washington D.C. Attorney General’s office, and the company will pay over $300,000 and instill new training and compliance plans in Washington D.C. locations. Chipotle will pay thousands of dollars in fines and comply with new regulations, but the company does not claim any responsibility for the alleged wrongdoings in the settlements.
See "Chipotle reaches a settlement with Washington D.C. Attorney General Office over hundreds of alleged child labor violations", Beatrice Peterson, ABC News, August 30, 2023