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Catherwood Library

Open until 8pm - Full Hours /

Building Use Policies

Food & Beverages

“If you are neat, you can eat.”

Covered beverages and small, contained snacks and sandwiches are permitted throughout the library except in the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives.


Smoking is prohibited in all Catherwood Library spaces. As per University Policy 8.7, Cornell University prohibits the smoking and carrying of lighted cigars, cigarettes, or pipes, and the use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) in all indoor facilities, enclosed bus stops, and university-owned or -controlled vehicles, and within 25 feet of any entry to a building unless otherwise noted in this policy.

Permission to Film/Photograph in Library Facilities

For all photo and film shoots (i.e. student projects, wedding or engagement photos), specific permission from Library Administration is required in advance. If library staff have not been notified, you will be asked to provide evidence of permission to photograph or film.

All photographic, video, or audio recordings made within University Library facilities must be authorized by the Library. Use of Library facilities for photographs, video, or audio recording is governed by the Cornell University policy on the Use of University Name, Image, or Logos, which states that use of some locations requires special permission in certain circumstances. For example, special permission is needed for access to certain areas for activities that might interrupt the normal flow of student life, business, or traffic; and for activities that involve University staff time or resources.

Because the mission of the University Library is to provide and promote an atmosphere conducive to teaching, learning, and research, we reserve the right to limit photographic, video, or audio recording activities to assure that this atmosphere is maintained. In general, access will be limited to public and public service areas of the University Library, but access to staff areas and other areas closed to the public may be evaluated and approved on a case-by case basis.

Library Administration must authorize any use of Library facilities. Interested parties should request permission to film or otherwise record in Library facilities by filling out the request form linked above.

The Library reserves the right to ask any individual or group to cease photographic, video, or audio recording. Individuals or groups who refuse to cease recording upon request by an authorized Library staff member will be considered in breach of the University Library policy on patron conduct in the Library system.