HR Answer Book: an Indispensable Guide for Managers and Human Resources Professionals (July, 2004)
Shawn Smith and Rebecca Mazin
"The book covers the range of essential HR functions, from core employment practices, such as hiring, compensation, and benefits, to the emerging 'hot button' issues in HR management, such as workplace privacy, Internet, e-mail, andtechnology issues. We discuss the provisions of the critical employment laws, how to spot and correct potential legal problems before they become costly lawsuits, and when to seek the advice of an attorney. Because it is impossible in any book to tell you everything you need to know about this ever-evolving subject area, we have included a comprehensive reference guide with Internet and other no-cost or low-cost sources for obtaining more information on covered topics.
While the information in this book will be helpful to readers in companies of all types and sizes, we particularly aim to address the concerns of small to midsize organizations operating with small HR departments or no dedicated HR personnel..." [from the Preface]
New York: AMACOM, American Management Association. 244 pages.
ISBN: 814472230
Call number: HF5549.17.S64 2004