Work Careers: a Developmental Perspective (December, 2002)
Daniel C. Feldman, editor
"This important resource focuses on the individual worker and offers a developmental perspective that links childhood and adolescent experiences with initial work values and preferences for work activities. Taking a chronological approach, the contributors analyze the basic building blocks of careers (personality traits, vocational interests, skills, and abilites) and explain how early experiences influence subsequent development of skill sets and career identities. They show how personal life issues interact with work demands and affect important career decisions. The book also reveals how changes in personal values and career interests change at different phases of the life cycle--childhood and adolescence, school-to-work transitions, early adulthood, mid-career, and late-career." [From the dust jacket]
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 392 pages.
ISBN: 0-7879-5916-2
Call number: HF5381.W843 2002