24-hour convenience stores in Japan, such as Seven-Eleven, are struggling to stay open late at night due to an ongoing labor shortage. A dispute between Seven-Eleven and a Japanese franchise recently brought this issue to light. Convenience stores are a l
24-hour convenience stores in Japan, such as Seven-Eleven, are struggling to stay open late at night due to an ongoing labor shortage. A dispute between Seven-Eleven and a Japanese franchise recently brought this issue to light. Convenience stores are a large industry in Japan, and over 90 percent of them are open 24 hours a day. These stores meet the needs of consumers who desire the ability to shop at all hours, and also emphasis the role that they play in preventing crimes that occur at night. However, as a result of the labor shortage these stores are forced to adjust their hours.
See "24-hour convenience stores in Japan, such as Seven-Eleven, are struggling to stay open late at night due to an ongoing labor shortage. A dispute between Seven-Eleven and a Japanese franchise recently brought this issue to light. Convenience stores are a l", The Japan Times, February 27, 2019