A move to put the union label on solar power plants
BrightSource Energy, a Californian company set to build a large scale solar power plant, has pledged to use only unionized labor in the building of their plant, while a competitor, Ausra, refused to do so. The moves have sparked debate and controversy in California where ambitious energy targets have set environmental projects in motion. Some accuse unions of using environmental laws to trap employers (like Ausra) in legal debate, when union labor isn't hired. Others think that unions like the California Unions for Renewable Energy, are looking out for their own interests and the environment. The debate is largely regarded as a pivotal debate for the direction of the labor and environmental movements. Can the green movement revitalize labor unions and bring in skilled, high-paying jobs, or will it become the new low-paying 'service' industry?
See "A move to put the union label on solar power plants", Todd Woody, The New York Times, June 18, 2009