Airlines, Unions at Odds Over Proposal in FAA Bill
A Republican proposal to the House of Representative's Federal Aviation Administration re-authorization bill would change back a rule that was implemented by the National Mediation Board last year. The rule concerns elections for airline and rail employees. The rules currently say that if a majority of those voting vote for the union, the union wins. The previous rule, which the Republican proposal would return to, said that a majority of those eligible to vote had to vote in favor of a union for the union to win. A Senate version of the FAA bill does not contain similar language. The FAA has not be authorized since 2007. Supporters of the proposal to change the rule back say that the NMB overstepped their authority in changing the rule, while opponents say that rail and airline employees deserve the same rules as other sectors of employment.
See "Airlines, Unions at Odds Over Proposal in FAA Bill", Josh Mitchell, The Wall Street Journal, March 29, 2011