All Foxtrot and Dom’s Kitchen & Market locations have permanently ceased operations
Dom’s Kitchen & Market and Foxtrot, two grocery store chains, merged into one company, Outfox Hospitality, in recent months. All Dom’s and Foxtrot locations abruptly announced that the stores would permanently close. An announcement was made on the Dom’s website stating that every store would be shutting down operations. Stores were located in Chicago, Austin, Dallas, and Washington D.C. Various workers stated that they were not provided with any notice and the closure of stores. When employees arrived for work this week, they found out from posted signs that they were no longer employed. Other workers clocked in for their shifts and were abruptly told by management that the store would be shutting down and all employees needed to leave.
See "All Foxtrot and Dom’s Kitchen & Market locations have permanently ceased operations", Karen Jordan, ABC 7 Chicago, April 24, 2024