Amazon Lifting Mask Requirement for Vaccinated Employees in Some Locations
Amazon will lift its mask mandate for its fully-vaccinated warehouse employees in the United States beginning May 24 in locations where local regulations do not require face coverings. To be eligible to stop covering their faces while working, Amazon told employees they must be 14 or more days past their final dose of the vaccine and have a vaccination card as proof. Amazon has also detailed that the mask policy will be implemented in stages. Beginning Monday, workers can enter their vaccine information in the Amazon employee app. Those who are fully vaccinated will receive a green check mark, which they can display when entering the facility as proof of vaccination. By early June, Amazon plans to provide a badge sticker to employees to signify vaccination and, by mid-June, workers will be asked to upload a photo of their vaccine card to A to Z.
See "Amazon Lifting Mask Requirement for Vaccinated Employees in Some Locations", Sara Ashley, CNN Business, May 20, 2021