Amazon Worker Lawsuit Over Coronavirus Safety Dismissed by New York Judge
A lawsuit targeting Amazon over an alleged lack of Covid-19 protections at its Staten Island facility has been dismissed by a US District Judge, who said the issues should be raised with the Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In the decision the ruling judge stated that the courts are not adequately prepared to handle such a case, and that the case should be brought forth the OSHA. OSHA is responsible for educating and protecting workers during the pandemic, but it has taken few actions to improve working conditions or to hold employers accountable during the pandemic. Warehouse safety has become an area of great scrutiny as Amazon's business has surged even as the broader economy has been reduced due to the pandemic-based recession. This lawsuit is just one of the ways some workers have been vocal about the company's alleged inadequate approach to safeguarding its facilities since the start of the pandemic.
See "Amazon Worker Lawsuit Over Coronavirus Safety Dismissed by New York Judge", Sara Ashley O'Brien, CNN News, November 3, 2020