Auto Union Leader Finds Comfort Level
Ron Gettelfinger, president of the United Automobile Workers union, is a man of few words, so it is never easy to be sure what he is thinking. That is especially true now because what little he has said about the sale of the Chrysler Group has been contradictory. A month ago, he warned that a private buyer might ?strip and flip? Chrysler for profit, ignoring the best interests of its unionized workers. But on Monday, Mr. Gettelfinger said the sale was the solution that best met his members? needs. That sharp reversal might threaten the credibility of a different labor leader in a similarly delicate spot, analysts noted. But those who know Mr. Gettelfinger say his actions are more important than his words.
See "Auto Union Leader Finds Comfort Level", Micheline Maynard and Nick Bunkley, The New York Times, May 15, 2007