Californian porn actors may have to wear condoms in films
Sex workers in the pornography industry may soon be required by California law to wear condoms while shooting films. California employees some 1,200 people in the porn industry, and fewer than 1 fifth currently use condoms on a regular basis. The California OSHA is currently reviewing a petition filed by the AIDS healthcare foundation, which lobbies for workplace protection to be extended to the porn industry. The petition rather blatantly describes all the ways in which porn workers are exposed to the risk of contracting HIV, and cites a famous 2004 example in which one man infected three or four other women in the space of a few weeks. The petition accuses the porn industry of refusing to take steps to protect its workers. Industry management however, fear that condoms will take away the 'fantasy' element, and cause the California porn industry to slump or be forced to move out of the state.
See "Californian porn actors may have to wear condoms in films", Daniel Nasaw, Guardian Unlimited (UK), March 17, 2010