California's largest labor union backs pot legalization initiative
The California state council of the Service Employees International Union announced their support for Proposition 19, a November ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana. With 700,000 members in the state, supporters of the initiative hope that the SEIU's support will bring needed attention and support to the measure. While opponents say that they think the SEIU will not be directly involved with the campaign, other unions think differently. The measure has also gotten support from locals of the United Food and Commercial Workers, , the Communications Workers of American ad the Sign Displays and Allied Crafts, as well as the Northern California Council of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. The SEIU says that their primary objective in the November race is supporting Democratic governor candidate Jerry Brown, but they will also try and help pass Proposition 19.
See "California's largest labor union backs pot legalization initiative", John Hoeffel, Los Angeles Times, September 21, 2010