Cisco CEO Says Employees Are Tired of Remote Work
In an earnings conference call with workplace analyses Cisco CEO , Chuck Robbins, claimed that majority of people have changed their attitudes their opinion of remote work for the worst. Cisco, whose networking switches, phones and wi-fi access points are installed at corporate sites, is among the companies that can benefit from a widespread return to the office. Cisco's stance on the future of work is in contrast to other leading tech companies. Other leading tech companies have increasingly promised more flexibility around remote work when the pandemic ends. On Tuesday, Salesforce announced the majority of its employees would be working on a “flex” schedule with one to three days in the office per week, while Twitter and Dropbox have both told employees they can work from home permanently.
See "Cisco CEO Says Employees Are Tired of Remote Work", Jordan Novet, CNBC News , February 10, 2021