Cleveland Mayor signs executive order mandating use of unionized labor for future construction projects
The mayor of Cleveland, Ohio recently signed an order that will require all major construction projects in the city to use unionized labor. The order states that construction projects that cost over 500 thousand dollars will need to hire employees represented by labor unions. The order develops a pipeline of construction laborers to work on projects in the area, and it will also create an apprenticeship program that allows individuals to learn and work in the trades straight out of high school. The city has several large construction projects set to begin in the coming years. These projects include neighborhood developments, waterfront improvements, and a potential stadium build. The city is focused on keeping its National Football League team, the Cleveland Browns, in the city, and a new stadium would significantly help these efforts.
See "Cleveland Mayor signs executive order mandating use of unionized labor for future construction projects", Jeff Levkulich, ABC 5 Cleveland, September 6, 2024