Coke 'Passes' First Diversity Test
In a sixty-page report card on recent progress in minority relations at Coca-Cola, an independent task force set up as part of a $79 million settlement in a 1999 race bias case, found that the company has made strides towards greater diversity and toleration. Black employees continue to rate the company lower than their coworkers, however, on perceptions of fairness in pay and promotions, and commitment to being an equal opportunity employer. Only the second such court established task force of its kind, the diversity panel praised Coca-Cola for the establishment of uniform evaluation systems for compensation and advancement, but criticized the company?s failure to find and appoint qualified minority candidates for two board positions filled earlier this year.
See "Coke 'Passes' First Diversity Test", Coke 'Passes' First Diversity Test, The New York Times, September 25, 2002