Companies warm up to social networks
Where once companies rejected the use of social network hubs in the office, now Facebook profiles are proliferating among employees. At Serena Software, the CEO has encouraged Facebook use as a way for 850 employees, physically spread across the globe to connect and personalize their interactions. Many other firms are beginning to see benefits in online social networks, but worry about viruses, confidential information, and workplace security. Several firms have created their own social networks to deal with these problems, or are using professional networks, such as LinkedIn, which also provides access to millions of resumes and potential hires. Benefits have also accrued to the employees themselves, who feel more at home with co-workers and are often able to connect with colleagues with similar interests. Several firms have predicted that Facebook (or equivalents) will soon become as important to business as email.
See "Companies warm up to social networks", Stephen Humphries, The Christian Science Monitor, September 7, 2008