Daley orders non-union furloughs
The mayor of Chicago announced that non-union city workers will be forced to take furloughs of up to 17 days in order to cut costs. The mayor is trying to force the same deal for union employees as well, indicating up to 1,600 union layoffs are likely if the unpaid leave is rejected. Chicago's 2009 budget shortfall is nearing $100 million. The furlough days amount to a 6% pay cut for non-union city employees, and save the city $10 million. 90% of the city's workers, however, are unionized. Union leaders have stated that the city should guarantee union jobs as part of any potential furlough deal, though Mayor Daley is resistant to make such a promise in case the economy worsens.
See "Daley orders non-union furloughs", Charles Thomas, abc.com, May 7, 2009