Day Care Workers Threaten One-Day Strike
Having worked two years without a contract, 7,000 workers and 460 directors at 360 day care facilities subsidized by New York City, last week joined forces and announced that continued stonewalling by the mayor's office would result in a walkout this Wednesday, and consideration of a more prolonged strike if no movement is seen by February 22. Paid thousands less than public school employees despite similar qualifications and duties, the members of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees District Council 1707, and the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators, are quick to point out that they are only asking for the same raises recently won by other city workers (see WIT's for June 11, Sep. 5 and Nov. 14, 2002, and Jan. 24, 2003). Responding to a December report by the Independent Budget Office showing that---despite increased federal and state aid for child care---funding for city-wide child care actually dropped as the mayor's office used these funds to shore up other areas of the budget, the two unions are also planning to sue the city.
See "Day Care Workers Threaten One-Day Strike", JENNIFER MEDINA, The New York Times, February 9, 2003