DWP union boss warns city not to withhold payments to nonprofits
Hundreds of union members took to the streets as a dispute between Los Angeles city officials and the Department of Water and Power union as the city threatened to withhold payments to nonprofits unless the union turns over financial records. The two nonprofits in the center of the controversy are co-managed by the DWP union boss Brian D?Arcy, who said to the crowd of protestors that if the city follows through with its plan that the officials must be ?looking for trouble and I know you can give it to them.? The issue arose because the city had little to no oversight in terms of what the nonprofits did with taxpayer money, but that the city?s payments to the nonprofits are written into its contract with the DWP.
See "DWP union boss warns city not to withhold payments to nonprofits", Jack Dolan & Emily Alpert Reyes, Los Angeles Times, June 17, 2014