France's CGT calls another strike against labor reform, others refuse
France’s three largest unions cannot agree on how to respond to President Macron’s labor law reform. The hard left trade union CGT called for a third strike on Monday but was unable to rally support from the other unions. The more moderate CFDT now has the broadest support in the nation, and they along with Force Ouvriere agree that negotiations are the best recourse for Macron’s overhaul of French employment laws. As the intensity of strikes decline, the CFDT is refocusing its efforts on future battles like pension and unemployment insurance reforms. Monday’s meeting between CGT, CFDT, and FO took place the night before the largest nationwide strike by public sector employees. The level of support garnered during Tuesday’s strike will be an important indication of France’s level of engagement in labor protests.
See "France's CGT calls another strike against labor reform, others refuse", Reuters Staff, Reuters, October 10, 2017