French union want talks with U.S. tire chief on layoff plans
Talks between a French union and the Texan CEO, Maurice Taylor, for Titan International, who is looking to buy a Goodyear plant in France, have yielded some fruit, possibly saving approximately 333 jobs out of the 1,200 currently at the plant. The executive was quoted earlier this year as saying that the factory was ?not worth saving? and stating that the workers were lazy and their union ?insane?. The union still says that they are in favor of talks so long ?as nobody is left behind?. The union and the government of France, at least for the time being, are willing to look past Mr. Taylor?s insults to work toward a future for the plant and its workers.
See "French union want talks with U.S. tire chief on layoff plans", Marion Douet & Nicholas Vinocur, Reuters, October 23, 2013