Friday for Future climate protestors and transportation workers in Germany join together to demand improvements to the public transit sector
Transportation workers in Germany and climate protestors are joining forces and are holding nationwide rallies this week. The groups are seeking better working conditions and increased investment into the public transportation industry in Germany, and the groups are rallying around the slogan “We Drive Together”. Berlin transport authority workers state that they work intense schedules and do not get paid breaks during their shifts, and the working conditions take a toll on their wellbeing. Numerous employees have quit over the past years due to stress-related illness caused by the job. Friday for Future protestors have expressed their support for these transport workers, as public transportation has a pivotal role in the fight against climate change. Transport workers were hesitant initially to join forces with Friday for Future protestors, but were convinced once they witnessed tangible impacts due to the widespread efforts of Friday for Future.
See "Friday for Future climate protestors and transportation workers in Germany join together to demand improvements to the public transit sector", Kate Connolly, The Guardian, March 6, 2024