Gilli tells Labor Dept. to help vets more
The junior senator from New York State, Kirsten Gillibrand, is using Veteran's Day as a platform in pushing for improved treatment of veteran employees (or veteran potential employees). Gillibrand points out that the federal stimulus package included a set of significant tax breaks for companies who hire veterans, but that almost no one knows about it. The Senator plans to 'push the tax breaks' herself but has also written the Labor Department requesting that the info be further disseminated. She complains that the tax breaks are not mentioned on relevant web pages and she thinks businesses would jump at the chance to save over $2,000 per hire if they knew about it. Veterans have had difficulty finding employment in the current economy, especially young veterans, among whom the unemployment rate reaches 14%.
See "Gilli tells Labor Dept. to help vets more", Michael Mcauliff, New York Daily News, November 9, 2009