Google staff condemn treatment of temp workers in 'historic' show of solidarity
Earlier in March Google cut short the contracts of temporary workers who were part of the personality team for Google Assistant, Alexa. These workers have been integral to the development of Alexa and ending their contracts abruptly struck a nerve among not only those that were affected but also the full-time workers; a general sentiment is shared among employees that a wrong against the TVC’s is a wrong to all, especially with the growing labor movement taking place within the company. The TVC’s created a coalition asking Google to respect the terms of their contract and to pay out the remaining length of the contracts that were shortened. The letter has over 900 signatures from Google workers, and the letter raises concern for how the company treats its temporary workers.
See "Google staff condemn treatment of temp workers in 'historic' show of solidarity", Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian, April 3, 2019