GW University Resident Advisors Ruled Employees, Cleared to Unionize
The NLRB recently ruled that resident advisers at George Washington University are employees of the school, and therefore have the opportunity to unionize. NLRB Regional Director Sean R. Marshall used the ruling that Columbia’s graduate assistants were employees who could unionize as precedent. The GWU decision is noteworthy because the RAs are undergraduate students. GWU argued that the student worker’s status as undergraduates shows they are not employees under the NLRA, and that the jobs are part of their overall educational experience. Although GWU does not agree with the ruling, the school has agreed to cooperate with the NLRB.
See "GW University Resident Advisors Ruled Employees, Cleared to Unionize", Lawrence E. Dubé and Jaclyn Diaz, April 25, 2017