Hijab-wearing Muslim women being passed over for jobs in last form of 'acceptable' discrimination – MPs
A British Parliament report finds Muslim women face multiple levels of discrimination in the workplace. The report finds many Muslim women feel compelled not to wear their Islamic dress during the hiring process, and face often illegal interview questions regarding their personal and home lives under assumptions about their submissive place in Islamic society. In addition, the report found an unspoken acceptance of discrimination towards Muslim women across industries in Great Britain, worsened by anti-extremist policies by the government that create an air of tension and hostility in the workplace. The report made a number of recommendations regarding these issues, including mandating "name blind" applications for employment, in an effort to reduce unemployment among Muslim women.
See "Hijab-wearing Muslim women being passed over for jobs in last form of 'acceptable' discrimination – MPs", John Bingham, The Daily Telegraph (UK), August 12, 2016